Friday, November 22, 2013

I Can't.

The most frustrating thing I hear from my friends and family whenever I talk about a fitness program is: "I can't."  And if you ask my husband, I use to be that person.  When he started Insanity, he begged me to do it with him.  I would always answer him with "I can't because…." and then list a ton of excuses.  My excuses were anything from my bad knees, to my aching ankles, to just being tired, to not having enough time.  I would watch him do Insanity and think: that's just too much.  I would watch and think, "I could never do that."

Then one day it happened.  I picked up my husband's P90X and pushed play.  I was completely unaware of what I was going to get myself into.  P90X started me on a completely new journey.  It was the first time I heard what you don't hear on the informercials, "Do your best, and forget the rest."  That one statement changed how I felt about Beachbody's DVD fitness programs.  The instructors with each program always emphasize form over speed.  I can not count how many times I've heard that on the various programs that I've completed.

I want to help you turn your can'ts into cans.  I want to give you a reason to know that even you, with any injury, can find a program that will help you get stronger, get fit, and get healthier.  I threw my excuses out the window once I learned that I could do the programs, and I'm here to help you do the same.  There are tons of programs available, for any age, any fitness level, and any goal.  Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or just get more flexible, Beachbody has a program for you.

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