Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Make Goals, Not Resolutions

This time of the year, everyone makes resolutions.  They resolve to change things about themselves.  They resolve to lose weight, to save money, to be nicer to each other, and the list goes on and on.  But, as a small business owner, a Soldier, a mom, a homeowner, and a wife, I've made goals to set myself up for a successful 2014!  So, without any further ado, here are my goals for 2014.

1) Get promoted.  Not only as a Soldier, but with Beachbody as well.
2) Graduate college…..finally.
3) Give more to charity.
4) Pay extra payments on my principal.
5) Save a couple thousand dollars, or more.
6) Meet my weight loss/fitness goal.

That's it.  Just six goals.

Not resolutions, but goals.  And why goals?  Because, goals are reachable.  Goals keep you accountable.  You write them down and share them with friends and family.  You mark them off when you are done, and you get a feeling of accomplishment.  That feeling of accomplishment goes a long way to being successful.

So, what are your goals this year?  How are you going to have a successful year?  

Share your goals and be accountable.  Make yourself have a successful year.  No one, but you, can make you successful!

Have a great, successful year!

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