Saturday, August 24, 2013

Working Out at Home vs. the Gym

As I finished my TurboFire workout this evening, I tried to remember when was the last time I actually enjoyed going to the gym....and well, that was 20 years ago, when I was in high school.  Then, I decided to do a pros and cons list on working out at home vs. going to a gym.

So, without further ado, here are my thoughts on the issue:

Going to the Gym:

1) Tons of Equipment
2) Most have swimming pools
3) Personal Trainer Available
4) Group Classes available
5) Sense of community
6) Additional Amenities such as Sauna, Steamer

1) Costly
2) Gym equipment is dirty
3) Shared showers
4) Often times you have to wait for equipment
5) Personal Trainers often cost extra

Working out at home:

1) One time cost of equipment/videos/etc
2) Work out in the privacy of your own home
3) No commute to gym
4) Don't have to hire a baby sitter/arrange for child care
5) Changing workout programs is affordable
6) Most workout programs come with online support and eating plan, helping you get your best results

1) No sense of community.
3) Buying an upgrade of weights can be very expensive.

Ok, so there you have it, my Pros/Cons list of working out at a Gym vs. working out at home.  Each person has their own preference of where they want to work out, just like each of us has different fitness goals in mind.  For me, I choose to work out at home with DVD's and the equipment that they provide because I'm a private person.  I hate the feeling that I'm being judged because I'm not running fast enough, or lifting heavy enough.  I hate the awkward feeling of looking at a machine and thinking, " do I do this?"  I really hate waiting in line for a machine, and most of all, I actually hate being in a classroom setting (except Spinning) for kickboxing, step aerobics, etc.  I'm uncoordinated.  And last, but not least, I hate walking into a gym and feeling that it should be a fashion show.

If you're like me, then you should take a look at the tons of BeachBody programs that are available.  There are programs for any fitness level, and for any fitness goal.  If you want flexibility, to lose weight, or to gain muscle, BeachBody has it all.  Additionally, BeachBody supplies online support, a customized eating plan, and a coach to provide motivation to help you reach your goals.  You can browse my website for any workout program to fit your needs.

If you're not like me, and you want to work out in the gym, then get out there and find a gym for you.  The most important part about getting fit, and staying there, is you HAVE to find something that works for you. Once you find something that you enjoy, then make the decision to commit to it, then you'll get results.  And most of all, find something that offers some sort of a support group.  Without a support group, who do you have to share your accomplishments and setbacks with?  A support group can also give you tips, and ideas for improvements.

Good luck on reaching your fitness goals.  Please feel free to message me if you need advice on a BeachBody program, or if you just want general information.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Good Evening Readers!

All too often I hear many excuses for not working out, and I'm here to tell ya, there are NONE.  Nope, none what so ever.  In the last 36 hours, I had 24 hour duty, and I worked out not once, but twice.  Well, most people wouldn't think that is such a big deal, BUT, and here's the kicker.....we are in the middle of a trans-atlantic move.  Yep, it's that time again, and there is SO much planning going on.  Yesterday, we packed our 90 day suitcases, our necessary electronics and important papers that we need to hand carry.  Today, after my 24 hour duty, the movers came, and we had to supervise the packing.  

So, what did I do today to work out?  I set my computer up on top of my already packed TV, put my TurboFire DVD in, and pushed play.  Yep, absolutely NO EXCUSES.  


So, what do I want you to do?  First, you need to like my FB page so that you'll know what events are coming up, what's on sale, as well as get motivation that you need in order to get healthy.  Second, you need to visit my Team Beach Body Page so you can order a TurboFire Challenge Pack.  They are on sale for the entire month of August.  With the savings, and the 30 day money back guarantee, you can't go wrong.

TurboFire is a high intense, kickboxing workout that'll keep you motivated while kicking your butt.  You'll look forward to the workouts because they are SO much fun, and the music will keep you pumped!

I want you to be fit!  Why?  Well, because you'll feel better.  Not only physically, but your mood will improve.  You'll crave less junk food, and make wiser food choices because you won't want to undo all your progress from working out.  AND, you'll look better.  Now, who doesn't want to look better?

So, what are you going to do?  You are gonna like my FB page, visit my website, and choose a program (if not TurboFire) that'll get you where you want to be.  And I, I will be here to motivate you EVERY step of the way.  That is my promise to you!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Challenge Group Invite

Hello Gettin' Fit for Fun readers!  How are you doing in your personal transformation to a Healthier, more Fit you?  Me, I'm doing great!

So, now I want to share something very important to me....

I want to motivate you to Getting ' Fit.

I want to motivate you to becoming the best you.

And for me to motivate you, you need to join my FB page, Gettin' Fit for Fun!

Like the page, stay tuned for upcoming events.

If you are in Texas, Central Texas, then really pay attention to Super Saturdays coming in November.

I'm looking forward to seeing you there!


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Four Weeks Complete

Ok, guys and gals....many of you are probably wondering how I'm doing on my amazing transformation, and let me tell you, I'm quite excited about what's happened so far.

After 4 weeks of TurboFire and 3 weeks of Shakeology, here are my results:

- Lost 6 pounds
- Lost 5 inches overall
- Lost 4% body fat

TurboFire and Shakeolgy both come with a diet plant, which I do not follow.  I don't follow them mainly because I live in Germany, and it's difficult for me to find all of the foods here.  Two, it's not cost effective for my family while in Germany.  What is cost effective though is just eating clean, which I am able to do.

I'm sharing this with you because I want you to have the same results.  I want you to be successful in finding a New You.  I want you to decide to change your lifestyle to have a healthier future, not only for you, but for your loved ones.  So, are you ready?

First, to get started, you should choose a program.  If you want to lose weight, then you should try TurboFire.  If you want to gain muscle, then you should try Body Beast.  Both programs are on sale this month as a Challenge Pack for $160.  What's in a Challenge Pack you ask?  Well, let me tell you.

A Challenge Pack contains the program, starts you on your Home Direct delivery of Shakeology, and a 30 day membership as a BeachBody Club member where you'll get tons of advice, a diet plan to help you reach your goal, and mentorship from tons of people who are all trying to reach the same goal that you get healthy, and End the Trend of Obesity.  If purchased separately, TurboFire or Body Beast and Shakeology would cost you over $200.  Once you have Shakeology on Home Direct delivery, you'll receive it automatically every 30 days, and not have to pay s/h.  For $129.95, the healthiest meal of the day comes to just about $4 a day.

For more information on either program, please click on the links below.  Or, email me here!

I encourage each of you to get serious about your fitness, decide what you are going to do, commit to it, and I can help you succeed.

I look forward to helping you reach your goals.
